About Dev Myers

My name is Dev Myers, and I am running for Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner for 7D10. Originally from Georgia, I came to Washington, DC to pursue my Bachelor's degree at Howard University. After graduating, I furthered my education with a Master's in Public Administration from George Mason University. DC has since become my home, where I have found a strong sense of community and belonging. Raised in a household where my mother was a nurse and my father served in the military, the values of service and community have always been central to my life. This commitment is reflected in my professional journey in DC: I spent three years as an educator, teaching foundational skills to 1st graders. Later, I served as Chief of Staff for the East of the River Family Strengthening Collaborative, working to provide resources and services to vulnerable communities in Ward 7. Currently I’m a National Director, where I recruit and provide campaign readiness resources to candidates with service backgrounds who are running for state and local offices across the country.

In addition to my professional roles, I actively contribute to the community through my positions as Recording Secretary for the Ward 7 Democrats, Executive Director of the DC Young Democrats, and a member of the Community Advisory Council for the Benning Road/Benning Terrace Family Success Center.

I am running because I am committed to building upon the progress made by current Commissioner Elby and former Commissioner Horn. As your ANC commissioner, I pledge to maintain a strong presence and ensure that the community's needs are met, enabling every resident in our neighborhood to thrive. My goals include continuing oversight of the Boys and Girls Club redevelopment, ensuring safe streets, safe neighborhoods, and providing responsive leadership as your ANC commissioner.


  • Ensuring ongoing oversight of the redevelopment of the former Boys and Girls Club into affordable housing is paramount. This project is crucial for advancing housing production in DC and providing residents with access to safe, clean, and affordable housing in a city where the increasing costs of living are pricing out many families.

  • Ensuring the safety and peace of mind of our residents within their neighborhoods isn't merely a priority—it's my steadfast commitment. I am devoted to fostering collaboration among law enforcement agencies, preventive services, and community-based organizations to develop robust solutions. These initiatives aim not only to uphold accountability across individuals and agencies but also to proactively mitigate crime and preserve the sanctity of community safety. However, our efforts cannot conclude there. It's imperative that we ensure our community offers meaningful opportunities that cater to the needs of our neighbors. To effectively address our public safety challenges, accountability must intersect with opportunities for our community.

    A healthy neighborhood encompasses safe roads for all. I am dedicated to collaborating with DDOT to guarantee that our road network prioritizes safety for pedestrians, cyclists, and drivers alike.

  • The residents of single-member district 7D10 deserve steadfast representation in every aspect of governance. I am dedicated to ensuring accessibility and fostering engagement with my future constituents. Through community events, personal conversations, newsletters and timely updates, I promise to be a consistent and a responsive commissioner. Throughout my tenure, I will passionately advocate for your interests and stand firmly by your side, serving as your voice at every decision-making opportunity.


Alison Horn

Former 6B09 Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner 

Mike Davis

7D04 Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner

Erin Palmer

Former Candidate for Chairman & 4B02 Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner